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Free QR code generator


Convert URL or text to QR code and download PNG/JPG/SVG images online for free.

Free QR code generator

Convert URL or text to QR code and download PNG/JPG/SVG images online for free.

Trusted by leading companies


Creating a QR code has never been easier!

How can you generate QR codes for free? Pacdora is here to help. We are a popular online QR code generator that lets you create QR codes in just a few minutes. Our tool makes it easy to design and customize QR codes for business cards, website, and product packaging. Simply enter your data, adjust the settings, and download your QR code in JPG, PNG, or SVG formats. Try it now—it's hassle-free!

How to create a QR code? 

Select QR code type

Select QR code type

Select a content type for your QR code, url or text.

Enter url or text and customize

Enter url or text and customize 

Enter url or text, then pick one color and file format to download.

Download your QR code

Download your QR code

Download images in PNG, JPG or SVG format to print or further design.

Generate a QR code

Features of Pacdora’s QR code generator

Get started on your QR code in seconds

Get started on your QR code in seconds

No need to download any software, sign up, or log in! Create your QR code with just a few clicks online. Set the color and style, then download the QR code image.

Click to become a QR code creation expert!

Generate a QR code
Create an eye-catching QR code

Create an eye-catching QR code

QR codes are everywhere on business cards, brochures, and product packaging. Even wedding information can be integrated into a QR code. Upload your logo and change the QR code color, and style to match your brand or personality.

Attractive QR codes can greatly increase the chances of scanning!

Generate a QR code
Doing more with QR codes

Doing more with QR codes

Pacdora QR code generator creates high-resolution QR codes for printing in PNG, JPG, and SVG formats. Use them for marketing materials or upload them to our free mockup generator for professional packaging designs.

See your QR code come alive in Pacdora. Head to the mockup generator to get started!

Use QR code on mockup
The QR code that never expires

The QR code that never expires

Pacdora's QR codes have no expiration limit. All generated QR codes will be valid forever, will not expire and support unlimited scanning. It should be noted that the QR code is static, you cannot edit the QR code again.

Generate a QR code
Get started on your QR code in seconds

Get started on your QR code in seconds

No need to download any software, sign up, or log in! Create your QR code with just a few clicks online. Set the color and style, then download the QR code image.

Click to become a QR code creation expert!

Generate a QR code

Create an eye-catching QR code

QR codes are everywhere on business cards, brochures, and product packaging. Even wedding information can be integrated into a QR code. Upload your logo and change the QR code color, and style to match your brand or personality.

Attractive QR codes can greatly increase the chances of scanning!

Generate a QR code
Create an eye-catching QR code
Doing more with QR codes

Doing more with QR codes

Pacdora QR code generator creates high-resolution QR codes for printing in PNG, JPG, and SVG formats. Use them for marketing materials or upload them to our free mockup generator for professional packaging designs.

See your QR code come alive in Pacdora. Head to the mockup generator to get started!

Use QR code on mockup

The QR code that never expires

Pacdora's QR codes have no expiration limit. All generated QR codes will be valid forever, will not expire and support unlimited scanning. It should be noted that the QR code is static, you cannot edit the QR code again.

Generate a QR code
The QR code that never expires

Our customers love Pacdora

Thousands before you have used Pacdora and loved it.


Haitham Elshaikh

I tried Pacdora to design the product package and inside collaterals the tool provided me all what I need in one place, it is very simple to be used, and the option to share the design with others and enable them to visualize it in 3d shape, animate the design is really added value to my end product design, Thank You Pacdora team.


Brandon Oltman

My god this software is a game changer. As a graphic designer with some 3D knowledge this is absolutely a time saver and super easy to use and get great results fast. Very impressed with the initial customization that can be applied. Granted this is a test run for me as haven't subscribed yet I can say if I had known about this software I would have used it on many previous clients for getting them an idea for products in a packaging setting.



What is a QR code?

A QR code, "Quick Response", is a two-dimensional barcode that allows people to scan it from any direction. QR codes can store a vast amount of information, such as links to websites, text messages, etc. Using a mobile phone's camera or a QR code reader or scanner, people can access the information embedded in the QR code.

What are the uses of QR codes?

QR codes are widely used in mobile marketing. You can convert a website link, text, PDF, or Instagram page into a QR code so people can simply scan it to access the corresponding data. In addition, it can be used for many other purposes: receiving payments from customers, inviting them to share images or videos, promoting brand marketing campaigns, and more.

How can I make a QR code?

Complete making a QR code in Pacdora in just a few minutes: 

1. Go to the Pacdora QR code generator website.

2. Add your link or text.

3. Customize the color and style, and preview the design effects in real time.

4. Download your QR code.

You should test the finished QR code for readability to make sure it's clear and easy for people to scan.

How can I apply a generated QR code to my packaging design?

You can design QR codes with product or brand details to help consumers know more about the product or brand. In Pacdora, applying the generated QR code to packaging design is very easy:

Step 1. Choose a mockup;

Step 2. Upload your creative image and the QR code;

Step 3. Customize the parameters and adjust the design elements to make your 3D mockup design professional and realistic;

Step 4. Export the rendered design image. Try scanning the QR code!

Can I use Pacdora's QR code generator for free?

Yes. QR codes generated at Pacdora are free for commercial use.

What format does Pacdora support to download the QR code image?

Pacdora supports downloading images in PNG/JPG/SVG format, you can choose the image format according to your usage.

Can I scan a QR code generated by Pacdora?

Yes, you can use your mobile phone camera to scan the QR code directly, or use a QR code reader or scanner to get the info from the code.

Will my QR codes expire?

QR codes generated with our tool never expire, you can create QR codes with confidence.


Embark on your exciting QR code creation adventure

Generate a QR code