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Dunia maket 3D gratis

Pilih maket terbaik yang Anda inginkan dari dunia maket 3D Pacdora. Unggah desain Anda secara gratis dan kemudian ekspor maket 3D Anda. Mendukung ekspor gambar PNG/JPG resolusi tinggi 4K atau video MP4.

Dunia maket 3D gratis

Lebih dari 4900 maket 3D dan terus bertambah

Features of free 3D mockup world

Amazing library of 3D mockups

You don"t have to waste hours searching for mockups. Pacdora"s 3D mockup world has 4900+ mockups covering common ones. From box to iPhone, you can find any mockup you want. Free your time for design!

A great alternative to Placeit and Rawpixel

Compared to Placeit and Rawpixel, Pacdora offers more mockups. It delivers 100% customizable and unparalleled 3D rendering results. Choose a mockup and tailor its material and size to your needs. Then, refine its 3D rendering by adjusting scenery, light, and shadow.

Create a 3D mockup with a highly realistic effect in mere minutes. It starts with a suitable design.

The best free 3D mockup online

Maket 3D gratis dengan peringkat tertinggi memiliki fitur utama: 1. Menawarkan perpustakaan besar maket 3D di berbagai kategori dan dalam jumlah besar yang dapat digunakan secara gratis. 2. Mereka memiliki efek 3D yang nyata. Pengguna membuat desain unik dengan fitur yang disesuaikan. 3. Alatnya mudah digunakan. Pengguna tidak memerlukan pengalaman desain khusus. Pacdora memiliki semua yang penting!

Mudah mengubah latar belakang maket

Mudah mengubah latar belakang maket

Pacdora menyediakan banyak template adegan rendering umum. Anda hanya perlu menempatkan maket 3D Anda di dalam adegan. Tentu saja, Pacdora juga mendukung adegan yang sangat dapat disesuaikan. Anda dapat dengan mudah memodifikasi jenis adegan dan berbagai elemen dekoratif. Setiap modifikasi dapat membuat desain Anda mendapatkan rendering yang paling hidup!


What is a mockup?

A mockup is the most realistic rendering of a product or design. The best mockups have realistic 3D visuals, natural light and shadow effects, and real backgrounds. They show 100% of the actual product on the screen. Mockups are often used for product demonstrations, online marketing, branding, and social media promotions.

How to download mockups at mockup world?

Step 1: You need to choose the mockup you want; Step 2: Upload the design and adjust the 3D effect (background, light, etc.) of the mockup design; Step 3: Download your mockup, support 4K PNG/JPG image format.

Which is the best mockup website?

The best modeling sites need to have an abundance of mockups, realistic 3D renderings of the mockups with a high degree of customization, and a generator that is online and easy to use. Pacdora has it all!

Is there a free mockup generator?

Yes! The paid services in Pacdora are transparent and free of hidden inducements. You can use the core mockup selection and mockup production features for free. Of course, you can decide whether to purchase more advanced services according to your needs, please refer to thepricing pagefor details.